Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bosch, Bosch, Bosch on the Mind....

My friend Melissa helped me to make some bread, because I can't seem to get it right. I discovered why! The small loaf is bread made with a Kitchen Aid and the big loaf is made in a bosch. I can't seem to kneed the K.A. bread enough for it to activate the gluten sufficently. I was skeptical that there would be such a difference. We honestly did our best with the K.A. loaf, I even kneeded it extra. They even cook different, the Bosch cooking a lighter loaf. Thanks Melissa for the lesson! I have Bosch's on the mind now.
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Miss said...

Ha ha! Told you you'd never believe it if you didn't do it at the same time. I'm glad we did this and you documented it too. Proof for all the KA non-believers out there. ;)

Tiffany Fife Buckmiller said...

My mother in law told me Bosch's are the only ones that do bread right. Good to know I have some info to back that up ;)

Suzanne & Andrew Dupuis said...

interesting.... who would have thought! We have a KA because that is what Andrew used in culinary school...

Mandy Gailey said...

Jess, I have a Bosch and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Every time I cook with it, I just fall in love with it even more. Nothing beats a Bosch! :)

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