Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We Got a New Camera!

Isn't it wonderful? And if you didn't remember, little miss Ruby is 6 month's old TODAY! She is fabulous. Two teeth, blonde hair, deep blue eyes, scooting her way across my dirty floor, loves her sister, smiles often, is not a fan of strangers, thinks that day time sleeping and socks are for the birds, spits up after every bottle, has chubby knees, and falls asleep while I rock her. I love this girl.


Tiffany Fife Buckmiller said...

I love her! Yay for a new camera!!

Brynn said...

OH MY HECk. look at her and her little roly-poly-ness and her cute little fat bum!!! Awwww! RUBIX! I MISS YOU!!!

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