Saturday, July 14, 2012


We had a celebration for Greg's 10K bike mile mark.  I'm sure many of you saw the awesome video he took.  Here is what we did that evening....

"Bike Wheel" Pizza

Our family celebrating! (Brynn was there but was really nice and took the pictures)

The handsome guy himself!

Below is the picture I used in his poster.  It was taken December of 2008 - three-point-five years of biking to work!  Amazing!

For dessert I got round ice cream sandwiches (reese's peanut butter ones - delicious!!!).  Greg was totally surprised at his little celebration!  Us two had gone to the temple together because Brynn was around and how often do you get to have aunt Brynn to babysit?  When we got out of the temple I was trying to rush Greg home for his little party.  I made shirts for Ruby and Auburn to wear, but I forgot to take a picture.  One day!  It was a fun night, and a fun thing to celebrate.

I love you honey!  Thank you for keeping healthy and exercising, even when it's crazy hot outside!


Brynn said...

don't worry, i'll come live with you again for another month at the end of these two years :)

Brynn said...

or possibly every summer, which is almost the same thing.

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