Saturday, January 15, 2011

Prudent Baby

I follow lots of crafty-mom blogs; some are more crafty and some are more mommy, but Prudent Baby is more of both. She has written a book, Prudent Advice, and she shares a piece that I've been pondering...

"Live alone for a period of time.
I love living with you and your father; I also cherish the years I spent living alone. You shouldn't go from being someone's daughter to someone's wife to someone's mother"

I like this. I like it a lot. My time of living alone (with roommates) was invaluable in the person I am today. I have friends; some of these friends know me outside of my current housekeeping/well-behaved child/primary teaching persona. And I really like that. I really like that someone in the world remembers me as an individual, not attached with a sister/mother/baby/husband.

I love my friends, all of them, but I just wanted to say a little special thanks to my 303 roommates for being my friends.

I also really like that she says....

"Leggings are not pants"

...need I say more????


Brynn said...

A little ironic as I am wearing leggings right now.

Brian and Kelli said...

Ditto. I feel the same way. I value our continued friendship and reunions very much.

Ami said...

I was thinking about a similar topic recently... about how I've always been concerned that I would be losing a part of myself when(if) I get married. It made me grateful to have had so much time to get to know myself and be comfortable/confident with who I am. You're right. It is really nice to know that there are a few people who know me that way as well. :o) Love you!

Tiffany Fife Buckmiller said...

Now you know that we all read your blog! I had really never thought of it that way...I will be glad someday that i had my time on my own, as much as I let it bother me at the time. Nice reflection friend, love ya!

Miss said...

Interesting me thinking...although, I guess I won't have that time on my own till MUCH later in life, if ever. Knowing me the way I do, I don't think I want it. :)

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