Monday, November 1, 2010

The "Look"

About a month ago Auburn started giving me this look.....

And now she does it all the time!

From 2010-10-30

From 2010-10-30

I finally figured out that she is making the face that I make at her when she gets in trouble. If that's the worst I do, and the worst she copies, I think we're doing pretty a-o-k!


OlsenUpdate said...

I've been going through Auburn withdrawls! Thanks for the new posts!

Miss said...

Ha ha! I love "the look"!!! :)

Ami said...

Cute! My nephew started doing that look about 6 months ago... only he tilts his head so far down you can just barely see his eyes. It's kinda creepy, but he thinks it's hilarious.

Sarah Beau Bera said...

Hahah love the look Auburn

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